Today is a special day, for more reasons than one. I had much pressure from Laurbear to do a Mems Day piece so here we have it. Through my (EXTENSIVE, cough cough) research the most interesting thing I learnt was mos def about the very first Memorial Day; the history of it is all a bit dicey (civil war, Confederate vs. Union soldiers, etc, etc) but, from what I gather the day was first commemorated by who wikipedia refers to as 'formerly enslaved people' exhuming a mass grave of Union soldiers and reburying them into individual graves. A little spooky but extremely nice of them (although it sounds like slavery to me since they had only ten days to do it). I think its a lovely holiday and really underscores the importance of peace for the future of our world (idealistic plug what what?!). Also, my father turns 56 today.
(The likelihood that you care very little about either of these things is overwhelming).