
My very first press release

Prettttty proud that I wrote up this press release, quoted myself and got it in the Asheville Citizen-Times!

Take a look.


The fruit of the World Rivers Day event

I call it "RIVERLINK" by Laura Barry

Officially Official

I was very excited to get my own business cards at the end of last week.  Feeling pretttttyyyyy professional right about now.


Autumnal Equinox + Harvest Moon + Jupiter

So many amazing things are happening in the universe this week. This Monday, Jupiter was the closest to earth it's been since 1963. Today, there is a full moon AND it's the autumnal equinox. What a perfect and beautiful day to remember Kimi Dora Young.


My cousin is a superstar

Hannah rolled into town with two sheep and took home the CHAMPION EWE trophy!


Hate to brag...

but I just met Congressman Shuler!


Hey you photography lovers!

Teton Nosebleed, 2010 by Tyler Mast

I found an awesome photography blog on the world wide web today.
feast your eyes.

World Rivers Day

RiverLink has a big(and exciting!) event coming up September 26th, so if you find yourself in Asheville this weekend, come celebrate World Rivers Day with us. There'll be paddling, drawing and eating--basically everything you need for a great Sunday.
Here are the details:

• 10:30 a.m. -- People from all across WNC arrive at the Sculpture & Performance Plaza with a covered dish of some sort, shuttles take paddling participants to the Asheville Outdoor Center on Amboy Road.
• 11:00 – 1:00 p.m. For a donation of $10 ($5 going back to RiverLink) float from AOC to Jean Webb Park, take short hike to the Plaza.
• 1:00 -- RiverLink Executive Director Karen Cragnolin gives an informal talk on local architecture and history while families, friends and neighbors eat and make drawings of River District houses, shops, landmark buildings, RiverLink Parks, and other river scenes illustrating how you are a Voice of the River!
• 3:00 Drawings are submitted, organized and exhibited
• 3:30 Non-competitive awards decided and awarded

Band of Horses

One of the greatest things about living in Asheville is the proximity to AMAZING MUSIC. I just bought my ticket to see Band of Horses next month at a venue 5 minutes from my house!


my new and improved office

The IT man came in today and helped me rearrange my office so that it is much more FENG SHUI.


The river that started it all

A view from French Broad River Park, where I've found the perfect spot for weekday lunch breaks--the swing set!


The office dog!

Meet Mona. She can be found wagging her tail (and whole body) while walking in and out of offices at RiverLink.



I met a fellow ohioan yesterday! Even though North Carolina is only 8 hours away from Ohio, and it's not like I'm living in a drastically different culture or anything, it's still comforting to hear someone say, "yeah, I've been to hartville".


Camp Rockbrook

As orientation/training for my new job I attended CAMP for the past three days. It was the camp experience I never had as a child. Here's the bunk!