

RiverLink recently received a grant from the Clean Water Management Trust Fund to design and write a Stormwater Management Guide for the Common Home.  The program will be called WaterRICH, with the RICH being an acronym for Reuse, Infiltration and Conservation in the Home.

Last week Nancy asked me if I'd create the logo for this program.  Here's my first design: "It's water in the bank".  I'll post more as I have them.  I'm going to make a couple different options and we will vote with the board in March.


  1. I see a career in graphic design!

  2. I really like it. This is a smart idea. One critique? Work on the type. Having the "Water" and "Rich" different weights is good, but they should be the same height (just a little off now).

  3. Great! this is exactly what I needed help with. Thanks Jas! Any other font feedback?
