

Brevard, NC has many wonderful things: fantastic forests, beautiful mountains, great restaurants, A SODA SHOP, but art is definitely not their strong suit. I ventured down the mountain tonight to check out the 4th Friday Gallery Walk. It was mediocre at best. Canton's First Friday even draws a bigger crowd. I'm not trying to be an art SNOB (okay, I totally am), but the "art" was art in the very loosest of terms. There were loads and loads of cheesy waterfall photographs and corny paintings of flowers. It was the kind of stuff that was so sickeningly sweet and cliche that it made your tooth hurt. Needless to say, I'm looking forward to making a trip to the Asheville Art Museum this weekend to see what the (somewhat) bigger city has to offer!


  1. you are the snobbiest, but not without reason.

    though- who doesn't love a good majestic waterfall photograph?
